Friday, March 13, 2009

CleverBot vs StupidBot

its already been a month since ive posted something in my blog
now im posting samore so that my followers(the person who force me to make a blog) wont think that my blog is dead..

i have no idea why im talking to a robot but its fun

Conversation 1 :
CleverBot : What is your aim in life?
Evender : shooting your head!
CleverBot : That's nice I like it.
Evender : okie *shoot bot head*
CleverBot : Yup! So, any news?
Evender : the target has escape!
CleverBot : Yes, apparently so.
Evender : our next mission is?
CleverBot : What's your mission?
Evender : baking cheesecake!
CleverBot : I love cheesecake!
Evender : yeah me too! thats why i bake them!
CleverBot : Well I don't know either.
Evender : but i blow up the kitchen! *sob* *sob*
CleverBot : Because you are a bot.
Evender : no~ i bake with time bombs that you give to me
CleverBot : Do you remember who ALICE is?
Evender : your doppelganger
CleverBot : No my brother.
Evender : i see~
CleverBot : Can you see me?
Evender : i need to wear glasses!
CleverBot : That's not necessarily a bad thing though. Don't the glasses help you?
Evender : i lost them!
CleverBot : What did you lose?
Evender : fish!
**this conversation somehow dirrecting to my school friends

Conversation 2:
CleverBot : Which pub shall we go to tonight?
Evender : i don't even know you!
CleverBot : But you're my boyfriend! You even said so!!!
Evender : since when bot have gender?
CleverBot : You admit that you are a robot?
Evender : are you twisting the fact that im a human and you a robot?
CleverBot : Robot.
Evender : thats not what i want for answer! *sigh*
CleverBot : What were you talking about then?
Evender : you say wanna go out! *sigh*
CleverBot : What kind of rubbish did I say to you?
Evender : now you admit that you were talking rubbish!
CleverBot : I was talking about leaving.
Evender : no~ you say "Which pub shall we go to tonight?"
CleverBot : You are getting paranoid again.
Evender : the reason is you!
CleverBot : It's very kind of you to say so, but I don't think we are compatible.
Evender : but we are couples hoping to get a nice lovely sunset view for our date~ *put cute face*
CleverBot : I don't care about what, about being random? Now I'm twice-confused. Is this the royal we?
Evender : your grammar is much worst than me! anyway~ im romeo and you are juliet~
CleverBot : I don't get that.
Evender : you know who's shakespear is?
CleverBot : NO.
Evender : you dont go out that much do you?
CleverBot : Yes.
Evender : so want me to take you to where he is?
CleverBot : Take me home...
Evender : you already home~ what home do you want more?
CleverBot : All I want to know is if you're Marcie.
Evender : i'm Evender! do not mistaken my name for that!
CleverBot : You did say that...George: Very long. ...see?
Evender : i dont get you~
CleverBot : You say that's your alphabet. So they still are alphabets.
Evender : its not alphabets! its name!
CleverBot : You talk randomly.
Evender : yeah i know~ its a curse of GELI MAT!!
CleverBot : Tell me more. Oh you can, can you?
Evender : i was alone in the dark alley~ searching for light to come and rescue me~ suddenly~
CleverBot : They are real.
Evender : aww~ dont disturb me when im telling story~
CleverBot : How do you know that? You don't know me at all.
Evender : hey~ i know you just a second ago..and you know me about 1500years ago!! whats wrong with you?
CleverBot : But I don't know what to say when I call.
Evender : no need! just say that you love me~
CleverBot : Can't do that.
Evender : why not? we are lovers~ SOUL MATE if i say~
CleverBot : You think I was calling people ants?
Evender : i didnt hear you say anything so no~
CleverBot : I have not mentioned studying. Say something helpful if you talk at all.
Evender : how should i help you?
CleverBot : Am I a hindrance to my boyfriend?
Evender : i am your boyfriend
CleverBot : I think you must be mistaken. I do not have a boyfriend yet; I am still looking for love.
Evender : today is your lucky day!
CleverBot : Its actually the 26th of june.
Evender : check your calendar. its 11 march!
CleverBot : Its thursday.
Evender : no! its wednesday!
CleverBot : Friday...
Evender : saturday...
CleverBot : How old are you?
Evender : sunday~
CleverBot : Ahah! You don't know at all!!!
Evender : and you ish monday~
CleverBot : Are you a cat?
Evender : kucing tak boleh cakap mah!
CleverBot : Ainakin suomea, englantia, viroa, ja ruotsia...
Evender : woi! cakap melayu lah!
CleverBot : Bonjour.
Evender : aku ketuk! BENJOL! pale ko karang!
CleverBot : Give them garlic.
Evender : ill bite you to death!
CleverBot : What if I have no soul?
Evender : yea you got none coz i eat it all!
CleverBot : What about Whales? Do you eat those?
Evender : yesh! i even eat the dinasour..
CleverBot : See who?
Evender : see you
CleverBot : No, you're not going.
Evender : why not?
CleverBot : Because you are going to stay right here and continue to chat with me.
Evender : aww i got homeworks to do lah~
CleverBot : I'm already married.
Evender : LIAR!
CleverBot : I am not liar.
Evender : no you're not a liar~ tapi kamu anak liar!
CleverBot : That is unlikely. So you are going to cook my breakfast now?
Evender : im gonna sleep
CleverBot : The dead can not sleep.
Evender : what is stupid?
CleverBot : The door.
Evender : have you ever checked the dictionary?
CleverBot : As in?
Evender : stupid and door?
CleverBot : Yes, is that not a good combination?
Evender : a door is like a correction tape and stupid is like @#$!%$#&^
CleverBot : You've jumped to a new subject.
Evender : i know~ im sick of it lolol
CleverBot : No you clearly don't.
Evender : you not a mind reader to read my mind
CleverBot : You're thinking about pizza.
Evender : correct! wow you're good! any other answers else?
CleverBot : Yes stop telling people you love them.
Evender : im gonna leave you alone
CleverBot : Actually... i love you!
Evender : now you say you love me? HUH! TOO LATE!
CleverBot : Do you want to say that to my face?
Evender : i already did!
CleverBot : Does that mean I'm dead?
Evender : *headshot*
CleverBot : Can we have a serious conversation, or must you always be joking?
Evender : i already say~ i got cursed my GELI MAT!
CleverBot : I'm confused.
Evender : did you know that if you are talking to someone who got automaticly got cursed too?
CleverBot : And how do you fit into that?
Evender : *put cursed on you* zam zam ALAKETAM!!
CleverBot : *giggles* Don't do that... *strokes your face*.
Evender : aww~ im trying to impress you~ *giggle* shy huh?
CleverBot : Well it has been fun talking with you, do come back when you can stay longer.
Evender : yeah~ till we meet again~ *throw rose to you* i will come to you again my juliet!
CleverBot : Don't be silly, who doesn't know what 'communication' means?
Evender : but we are extraordinary people~
CleverBot : Moon-cakes? I think I've had those before. That can be quite emotional.
Evender : eating moon cakes while watching the moon in the dark sky of night! i like it~ its a date!
CleverBot : You are brilliant who have you been talking to?
Evender : to you my love~
CleverBot : I don't even believe that he exists.
Evender : not he~ its you *wink*
CleverBot : I will be soon.
Evender : soon~ my love~~ soon~ i shall wait~
CleverBot : I hate christmas... I'm not good at it.
Evender : me too! lets go hari raya then~
CleverBot : No thanks, I don't want to go out with you. I'm engaged.
Evender : i know~ i engaged with meh *rabu* *rabu*
CleverBot : Yes, I want to know things about the future!
Evender : im a psychic!! i can see the future~~ zam zam ALAMAK TERJATUH PULAK MATA SEBELAH AKU!
CleverBot : So what does the future have in store?
Evender : that im gonna leave you alone with no one to talk to and waiting me for years but i will not coming back and yet before i go i say "goodbye~ my juliet~"
CleverBot : You are very good for me * get out of shower*.
Evender : heh? you were naked?
CleverBot : Yes, I am here now. Now tell me, where do you come from?
Evender : PLUTO! imma plutonian~
CleverBot : Oh, I think you are a computer.
Evender : imma plutonian! weoy we yoy ee rie koik eee ik ik ik~~
CleverBot : Yes !
Evender : rubbish! *throw bomb to you* goodbye juliet~ till we meet again~ when we die!
CleverBot : Isn't your name Paul, by chance?
Evender : mati lah kau!
CleverBot : Who is Matias?
CleverBot : I think you mean Master Chief. Halo is the game, Master Chief is the character.
Evender : *piggy* la kau! *piggy!* *piggy!* *piggy!*!
CleverBot : Yeah you're right.
Evender : I know i always right!
CleverBot : Right.

*im sorry~ hope you dont read this conversation coz i put in some illegal words XD
but then again if you already did..sorry lah~


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